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Brampton Primary Academy

Striving to Reach the Best


**** Reception 2023 Tours: We have the following tour available which are by appointment only; Thursday 8th December at 1:30 pm; please note that spaces are limited for each tour, to book on to a tour please e-mail, thank you we look forward to seeing you! **** Reception 2023 Tours: We have the following tour available which are by appointment only; Thursday 8th December at 1:30 pm; please note that spaces are limited for each tour, to book on to a tour please e-mail, thank you we look forward to seeing you! ****

Pupil Premium




We aim to be a community where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. We want everyone to reach their potential, and recognise that for some pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.


We take our legal duties on equality seriously. We welcome our general duty under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations.


Please click the links below to download our grant strategy for the current academic year or reports on previous years  pupil premium allocation.



What is Pupil Premium?


For children entitled to free school meals, children in care and children of parents in the armed forces the school receives the pupil premium. 


Children on role at the annual census who have been on free school meals in the last 6 years will also gain this extra funding for the school (these are known as “Ever6”)


The purpose of Pupil Premium


We aim to deploy the Pupil Premium to raise achievement and narrow the attainment gap between children from low income and other disadvantaged families and their peers. At the heart of our Pupil Premium policy is the aim of closing the achievement gap which affects some of the most disadvantaged children across the full spectrum of needs and backgrounds within our school community.


Monitoring Pupil Premium


We will show annually how we plan to spend the new years funding and also publish a statement for the previous year confirming our Pupil Premium allocation, spend and the impact this has had.


Please click on the links below to download our Pupil Premium grant strategy and reports on how we spent the pupil premium allocation on previous years.
