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Brampton Primary Academy

Striving to Reach the Best


**** Reception 2023 Tours: We have the following tour available which are by appointment only; Thursday 8th December at 1:30 pm; please note that spaces are limited for each tour, to book on to a tour please e-mail, thank you we look forward to seeing you! **** Reception 2023 Tours: We have the following tour available which are by appointment only; Thursday 8th December at 1:30 pm; please note that spaces are limited for each tour, to book on to a tour please e-mail, thank you we look forward to seeing you! ****

Behaviour and Internet Safety

At Brampton, we pride ourselves on nurturing and supporting the calm, purposeful, happy environment at school, in which we believe all children can flourish and grow. It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all.


Part of the way in which we encourage and promote this approach is by having clear and consistent expectations of our children, regarding both the standard of their work at school and their behaviour.

A key element of this approach is our Behaviour Policy. This has been developed by teachers, support staff, parents and children, and has been endorsed by our governing body.


As with all aspects of school life, we aim to work with children, staff and parents in encouraging positive behaviour.

Key expectations are as follows:


We expect children to:

  • Respect each other and show respect for all adults.
  • Co-operate with other children and adults.
  • Follow the school values at all times.


We expect staff to:

  • Create a culture of respect for all people.
  • Implement the school’s rules, rewards and consequences fairly and consistently.
  • Raise all children’s self-esteem and develop their full potential.
  • Provide a challenging, interesting and relevant curriculum.
  • Create a safe and pleasant environment in the classroom and elsewhere, both physically and emotionally.
  • Form a positive relationship with parents so that all children can see that the key adults in their lives share a common aim.
  • Recognise that children are individuals and be aware of their needs.


We expect parents/carers to:

  • Show respect for all members of the school community.
  • Be aware of the school rules, rewards and consequences 
  • Support their child’s learning and to co-operate with the school
  • Support the actions of the school when we have to use reasonable consequences with a child.


E-safety – supporting appropriate behaviour online

Behaviour online, both whilst at school and at home, is an increasingly important area where we need to work together with parents to ensure that our children are able to use the internet safely.


Internet safety at home

As a school your child’s safety is of paramount importance to us. We also accept that a large majority of children in key stage 2 are using the internet at home, including accessing programmes that can be dangerous if not used in the correct way. As a school it is our duty to ensure that children and their families are using the internet safely and understand how to monitor its use.

If your child has access to the internet at home do you know…

What your child is doing when using the computer?

The dangers of using a chat site or email account?

How old a child must be to have a Facebook account?

How to monitor your child’s use of the internet?

If you answered no or are unsure about any of the above questions we can help! Please speak to the School Office for further information.


E-safety tips and links for parents

1. Support your children at home - Check you know what they are doing on the computer, especially chat rooms and games played with others online. Ask who their “friends” are. Get them to teach you about how things work.

2. Support the school – take an active interest in what your children are doing in ICT.

3. Support their learning - It helps to keep the computer in a family room not tucked away in a child’s bedroom. Help your children to use the Internet for home work and leisure interests.

4. Agree some family rules – How long to stay playing computer games, where to keep the mobile phones, which websites can be used....

Above all, be ‘SMART’:

SAFE – Keep safe by being careful not to give out personal information – including full name and email address - to people who you don’t trust online.

MEETING – Meeting up with someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parent’s/carer’s permission and even then only when they can be present.

ACCEPTING – Accepting e-mails, IM messages or opening files from people you don’t know can be dangerous – they may contain viruses or nasty messages!

RELIABLE – Someone online may be lying about who they are, and information you find on the internet may not be true. Check information and advice on other websites, in books or ask someone who may know.

TELL – Tell your parent/carer or teacher if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or you or someone you know is being cyberbullied.


E-safety websites
