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Brampton Primary Academy

Striving to Reach the Best


**** Reception 2023 Tours: We have the following tour available which are by appointment only; Thursday 8th December at 1:30 pm; please note that spaces are limited for each tour, to book on to a tour please e-mail, thank you we look forward to seeing you! **** Reception 2023 Tours: We have the following tour available which are by appointment only; Thursday 8th December at 1:30 pm; please note that spaces are limited for each tour, to book on to a tour please e-mail, thank you we look forward to seeing you! ****

British Values


In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


The Key Values are:


·         Democracy

·         Rule of Law

·         Individual Liberty

·         Mutual Respect

·         Tolerance of cultures and religions


British values at Brampton Primary Academy


Brampton Primary Academy is committed to working closely and in harmony with its community and celebrating the diversity of the UK. We aim to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain and to ensure that our academy ethos, curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning reflect and promote British values. We use the Cornerstones Curriculum which allows to make various links with our British Values.


We recognise that these values are not exclusive to being British and that they have come to be accepted throughout the democratic world as the method of creating an orderly society in which individual members can feel safe, valued and can contribute to for the good of themselves and others.


We have weekly assemblies to reflect on each of these values. 


British value


In practice


Many of our academy routines are built upon the concept of democracy. All students have the opportunity as an individual, as a member of a group and a member of a class, to influence decision- making and to have a voice. They understand that they must use this voice responsibly.


Students are regularly consulted both formally and informally about how their school might be improved. They see the example that is set with staff working cooperatively with parents and each other, to make the school the best it can be.

Students within the school have key roles and responsibilities. Classes vote for the people they would like to take on these responsibilities and we discuss the importance of this.


How to work as a member of a team as well as team leadership are included in our delivery of curriculum during class group activities.  Students learn to vote for their choices and develop an enquiring mind.

The rule of law

Students in our academy understand the need for rules to make ours a happy and secure environment. Our behaviour policy is shared and understood and this provides a basis on which we discuss other laws and rules and how they apply.

In different subjects, like in science and PE, we have specific ground rules for safety and comfort. Children are helped to understand the reasons for these.

Our school works closely with other members of the community. When establishing the code of conduct in each classroom we discuss the need for rules and look at the code in the context of the school rules and the country’s laws.


Issues to do with the rules we apply in school and how they appear in practice are discussed in lessons.

Individual liberty

The rights of every student are at the centre of our ethos. However, students also recognise the boundaries there must be too.

Independent thinking and learning are encouraged and there are frequent opportunities for students to make their own choices.  We place an emphasis on respecting difference and valuing creativity.

In English students learn about authors who had a particular impact on the history of British literature. We try to select from a range of other cultures and include those authors who came as immigrants to the country.


There are options at lunchtime and during social times an amount of considered free choice is given to our students. In lessons students are often given opportunity to choose from a range of activities and different ways of working.

Mutual respect






Respect is one of our school values. We recognise the importance of not only respecting one another but self- respect too.
We have a clear anti-bullying policy, which emphasises the importance of us creating an environment both within school and the wider world in which individuals can feel safe and valued.

Every individual is respected in our academy and our actions towards one another reflect this.

The language used between staff and children at all times is considered to be vital in showing how we respect one another.


The staff code of conduct ensures that staff behave towards each other in an exemplary way, setting a good example for the students.

The tolerance of cultures and religions

We welcome difference and diversity and aim to create understanding of how this adds to the richness of our community.

We aim to do more than ‘tolerate’ those with different faiths and beliefs. We recognise the extent to which our own traditions and history have developed side by side and the rich cultural heritage that different world religions bring.


We believe that exploring and understanding other people’s faiths and beliefs are rewarding experiences and help us understand our own faiths and beliefs better.

During concept lessons we take the opportunity to find out more about different cultures we encounter through research and discussion.




