At Brampton Primary Academy our aim is to create a friendly, exciting and inspiring place to learn, where pupils feel safe and nurtured. We deliver an ambitious and fully encompassed program which allows pupils to relate their current knowledge and skills to the immediate and additional world around them, empowering ambitious learning approaches and systematic expertise – always striving to reach the best.
Here at Brampton we use the National Curriculum to deliver a program of intellectual development, creating synergy between factual and conceptual learning - allowing our pupils to examine accurate objectives, using prior and current knowledge.
Through delivering twelve rotating concepts during the pupil’s primary journey our teachers plan succinct conceptual links which encourage the pupils at Brampton Primary Academy to create a breadth of links across subjects, cultivate higher order thinking and think in a cognitive, conceptual notion.
Our ambitious cohort of pupils are receiving a broader spectrum of learning opportunities through a conceptual delivery. Concepts are delivered with a leading question throughout the pupil’s primary journey building an interactive experience within a variety of subjects creating broader abstract thinking for the ambitious learner.
Through a conceptual approach, the pupils of Brampton Primary Academy are introduced to multiple of subjects and theories within one overarching abstract, allowing them to develop an enjoyable and engaging experience. Our intention is to empower intellectual thinking, permit pupils to align themselves in their immediate community and familiarise themselves with the depth and breadth of learning.
To ensure inclusive academic success Brampton Primary Academy has developed a wholesome curriculum which accommodates all pupils, celebrating diversity, individuality and ability. Our conceptual approach permits pupils to access the curriculum in a variety of ways suited to them and their needs. It gives the pupils an opportunity to review their prior understanding, challenge their current understanding and reach for alternative styles of practice necessary to achieve.
Our intention to create independence, responsibility and ownership in pupils learning develops their metacognitive approach and prepares them for the greater world, employment and future opportunities.
Literacy is delivered through the Read Write Inc phonics scheme and linked to our six rotating concepts. Pupil’s learning is frequently based upon carefully selected, high quality books and combined with creative conceptual teaching approaches, involving for example, art and drama to heighten the experience of reading. The aim of this approach is to engage and motivate pupils in their literacy learning, to broaden their vocabulary and enable a deeper understanding of texts; in addition, it provides a stimulating, meaningful context for writing. A quality text is used as a basis for learning over several weeks. Pupils explore and discuss the text through creative conceptual activity. In addition, the pupils read and write a range of genres as part of the conceptual experience.
For the teaching of mathematics, we use a range of resources to supplement our scheme of work. We dedicate a significant amount of time to developing a key number of concepts each year. This ensures students build their fluency as number sense will affect their success in other areas of mathematics. Building on their knowledge and understanding of number pupils are challenged to develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills.
All aspects of our curriculum are supported by a programme of educational visits/school trips and extra-curricular events (a mixture of events held at school, in London and across the country).
At Brampton Primary Academy we follow the Bexley Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (RE) which has been succinctly designed and mapped to connect with the our featured concept that term. We have dedicated time every week to develop pupil’s Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship (PSHCE) skills. Pupils also study Social, Moral, Spiritual, and Cultural skills (SMSC), alongside the British Values which are a detrimental factor in allowing our pupils to become diverse, streetwise and mature young characters.
Throughout pupil’s time at Brampton Primary Academy we want to ensure they are skilled, knowledgeable and diverse characters in order to accomplish success in a variety of circumstances. Our conceptual approach will have empowered learning approaches and developed systematic expertise in every pupil. When each pupil graduates Brampton Primary Academy with these attributes - we will know our intention has been achieved and we have strived for them to reach the best.